college athletes

Elaine’s programs enhance student athlete health, safety, and your program's reputation. Choices and character matter!

Elaine does a tremendous job educating our student athletes on the risks of poor social behaviors and decisions making. It is important that our student athletes understand the facts and dangers of alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault that pertain to the social choices of their generation. Elaine has an effective communication style that resonates with the college age individual resulting in informed and improved personal choices during their educational journey.

Coach Nick Saban – University of Alabama Football

college athletes


college athletes
college athletes
college athletes

Elaine loves the energy of student athletes! In 2002 she developed a niche for working with collegiate and professional athletes.

  • Student-athletes learn that they serve as ambassadors for their campus in competition and in their personal lives.

  • They respond well to Elaine’s humor, energy, accessibility, and interactive exercises.

  • They develop the skills to build a solid foundation for life goals, a bright future, and a legacy to be proud of.

The most notable athletic programs nationwide have repeatedly trusted Elaine. Call today to find out what she can do for you!


Do you want to preserve the reputation of your student athletes, athletic program, and campus?

THIS is your perfect solution to motivate your student athletes to make positive choices so they can achieve success in academics, the competitive arena, and life beyond!

Elaine is one of the few speakers who comprehensively combines the topics of high-risk drinking, sexual health, and sexual assault. Her philosophy – students often combine the three in one night, why not combine them in one program? Through this high-energy, interactive program, your students will understand the consequences of high-risk behaviors and gain effective strategies to step back, assess, and walk away if a situation does not feel right. They leave this program motivated to party safely, to look out for one another and keep each other safe.

Elaine’s inclusive language and non-judgmental demeanor provides an open and safe environment for everyone. Programs are tailored to meet your specific needs!

Content is adjusted for faith based institutions.

college athletes

Topics include:

  • Alcohol awareness – effects, abstinence to safe alcohol consumption
  •  Sexual assault, consent, respect
  •  Connection of sex under the influence to unsafe sex
  •  Overview of STI’s and trends & sexual options
  •  Marijuana, other illegal drugs, prescription drug abuse
  •  Vaping’s negative effects
  •  Strategies for bystander Intervention
  •  Developing confidence to make positive choices – obtaining life goals


Has your athletic program experienced a high-profile Title IX case?

Sexual violence is a devastating problem on campuses today. Many student athletes have found themselves featured all over national media because of one night, one decision.

Elaine addresses the critical issue of sexual violence with sensitivity and inclusive language. As a survivor, she provides a perspective that others may not. Your student athletes will leave with a deeper understanding of the devastating effects of sexual violence. They gain the essential skills to provide support and to engage in bystander intervention.

Elaine is known for her eye-opening, interactive exercises which creates an open dialogue and stimulates critical thinking about the misunderstandings between people and assumptions they make.

Through this engaging and interactive program your student athletes will learn to embrace respect and leave with the tools for effective communication.

This program is not meant to just check off the Title IX box. It creates a meaningful dialogue that meets students where they’re at!
Contact Elaine so she can help your athletic department provide a safe environment, preserve your reputation, and decrease liability.
college athletes

Takeaway for your athletes:

  • Legal definition of sexual assault and rape
  • Stalking, domestic violence, dating violence
  • Emotional and physical effects
  • Consent, healthy communication
  • Coercion
  • Incapacitation
  • Bystander intervention – effective strategies
  • Date rape drugs
  • Common Assumptions
  • How and where to seek help


Do you cringe when you see your students’ social media?

Social media has changed the way we interact. Unfortunately, we’ve seen student athletes who post ALL their activities in what looks like a race to the bottom. This ruins their reputation along with their athletic program’s.

Elaine will open your students athletes eyes as they learn that privacy settings do not prevent people from gaining access to their profiles. They develop an understanding of the psychological effects of social media and sensitivity to reduce bullying, depression, and anxiety of others.

Elaine shares student athlete specific posts reflecting the uglier side of social media along with ensuing consequences. Most importantly your student athletes will view positive examples and learn effective strategies to develop a profile that’s reflective of their brand, career aspirations, interests, and values. They fully understand the importance of their digital footprint which essentially becomes their resume.

Many have stated after the program that they needed to clean up their profile. Administrators said it too!

Elaine will include posts that are specific to your campus.

Participants are engaged through examples of posts that can ruin your students’ reputations. They learn the importance of their digital footprint which essentially becomes their resume.

college athletes

Takeaway for your athletes:

  • The importance of a clean digital footprint
  • The global reach of postings
  • Posts can’t be permanently deleted
  • How prospective employers gain access to profiles
  • Privacy Settings
  • How to prevent stalking and identity theft
  • Psychological effects of social media
  • Effects of online bullying
  • Examples of what shouldn’t be posted
  • Character assassination
  • Taking down inappropriate posts from friends
  • Examples of professional posts and strategies to build a respectful brand


Todays college students are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression. It’s important to build resilience!

Elaine has experienced untimely losses of loved ones in her life. She knows what it’s like to feel deep pain – pain that distracts and paralyzes. She also has a deep understanding of the issues facing those with mental illness – she was the legal guardian of her cousin who was paranoid schizophrenic. Elaine is keenly aware of the ever-increasing levels of anxiety and depression seen at campuses nationwide.

Despite the challenges in her life, Elaine is one of the most optimistic people you will meet. Yet she developed the tools to pull herself up, recover, and move forward. She constantly finds something positive to draw on, even when times are tough. It’s called living with gratitude.

Elaine shares her wisdom and strategies through her 10 steps of finding resilience. From the power of positive thinking, to connecting to one another, and self-care. She promotes setting aside quality time to engage in activities that bring pleasure. Your student athletes will learn about the risks of self-medicating with alcohol and marijuana. Elaine addresses the increasing depression caused by social media and the incivility that’s gripping our nation. Students learn to recognize the symptoms of mental illness as Elaine breaks down the stigma so they will seek help.

Your students will develop the resilience they need as Elaine helps them develop their confidence and inner strength. They come to understand that they can weather bad times, gain their greatest wisdom from these experiences, find purpose, and be stronger for it.

college athletes
Student athletes experience pressure that other students do not. The pressure of balancing time management, practice, travel, competing to the best of their ability, and performing well academically can be overwhelming.

Takeaways for your Students:

  • Recognizing when to seek help
  • Importance of resilience for success
  • Developing deep social ties
  • Setting goals and finding purpose
  • Strategies for positive thinking
  • Life balance
  • Weathering the storm when bad things happen
  • Negative effects of self-medicating
  • Effects of social media on depression and anxiety
  • Importance of civility and kindness in daily conversations
  • Self-care: sleep, exercise, diet
  • Putting down smartphones to connect with people around us
  • Understanding importance of unplugging technology for healthier brain function
college athletes


Elaine provides comprehensive training for Student Athlete Advisory Councils. Many have gained valuable insight to help them respond to the latest high-risk trends on their respective campuses.

SAAC leaders are urged to demonstrate their leadership by being role models for their teammates and student body. They learn effective intervention strategies to help students in need.

Elaine trains them to implement her interactive exercises so they may be utilized in student-run programs. Most importantly she is a cheerleader for your student athlete leaders. Through open and honest conversations she empowers them to lead. They leave the program with renewed confidence, energy, and enthusiasm to make a difference in your athletic program!

college athletes


Coaches enter this profession for the love of the sport, but they quickly become intertwined with the personal lives of their student athletes. Although a coach’s focus is on winning – mentoring for the integrity of the team, your campus, and student athletes’ future success is the most meaningful and long-lasting endeavor they’ll make. It’s about character development!

Elaine provides extensive training for coaching and administrative staff. She is a subject matter expert on the most current high-risk trends at campuses nationwide. Coaches gain a critical awareness of behavioral changes indicating that an athlete is engaging in high-risk behaviors or struggling with personal issues. They learn proven strategies to conduct critical and effective conversations to mentor and guide their athletes towards help. She also provides Title IX and diversity and inclusion training for your athletic staff.

Culture starts at the top. Your athletic program will develop a stellar reputation for outstanding character, decreased liability, and negative press as coaches leave empowered to motivate their teams to make positive choices.

Here are just some of the athletic programs that Elaine has worked with:

University of Alabama
University of Southern California
Indiana University
University of Arkansas
University of Nebraska
Baylor University
University of Florida
University of Central Florida
Villanova University
Ohio State University
University of Illinois
Clemson University
Wake Forest University
Temple University
University of Kentucky
University of Rhode Island
Arizona State University
University of Minnesota
Washington State University
Penn State University

Elaine has presented to these notable Division I football programs:

University Alabama
University of Oregon
Florida State University
Mississippi State University
University of Georgia
Penn State University
Louisiana State University
Texas Tech University
University of Tennessee
University of Notre Dame
University of Pittsburgh
University of Syracuse
University of Delaware
Iowa State University
University of Miami
University of South Carolina
University of Connecticut
Bryant University
University of Texas
Texas A&M
Auburn University
University of Arizona
Rutgers University
Temple University