
                    Create a Culture of Respect and Positive Choices

Elaine’s appeal to the military is her versatility and broad-reaching expertise which she developed over the course of 25 years. She is a thought leader on alcohol and high-risk drinking, sexual assault, bystander intervention, sexual health, and illegal and prescription drug abuse. Many have stated that they’re impressed by the way Elaine seamlessly combines topics in her highly effective trainings or addresses any of the topics alone.
She is one of the few speakers who will specifically customize a program for your installation. Elaine is available to provide programming to service members and longer training sessions for staff and leaders.

Military leaders face one of the most challenging populations today when it comes to addressing issues surrounding sexual assault in the work and living environment.

Mixed gender and age demographics, diverse socio-economic and educational backgrounds, and confined living and working conditions create perfect conditions for problems to arise.

Sexual Assault has devastating effects on survivors and creates an environment of stress and mistrust


Elaine addresses the critical issues of sexual assault with passion and sensitivity. Service members leave this high-energy, interactive program with clear definitions of affirmative consent, rape versus sexual assault, stalking, dating, and domestic violence.

Elaine highlights the typical traits of perpetrators and the modes in which they operate, while empowering participants to engage in peer mediation and bystander intervention. She creates a deeper understanding of the misunderstandings that lead to sexual assault and the devastating effects on survivors. Participants develop an awareness of the negative impact of victim-blaming responses and learn crucial skills for providing support.

Elaine is a subject matter expert on the connection of high-risk drinking to sexual assault and highlights the effects of alcohol – most critically around incapacitation, diminishing intuition, and communication skills.

Participants will be challenged to develop healthy communication skills as they develop an increased awareness of trust, and emotional intimacy. They will recognize common misunderstandings regarding coercion and consent.

Most importantly service members will learn to engage in professional and respectful relationships as Elaine builds a culture of mutual respect and team commitment by effectively breaking down patterns of sexism and objectification.

Audience members have stated that they leave this program empowered to look out for one another, and with confidence to step in and help potential victims.

You will find that many who typically don’t share actively participate. No question is too difficult for Elaine to tackle! She is a subject matter expert… not an actor. As a survivor of sexual violence, Elaine presents a personal perspective that others may not.


Takeaways for your service members:

  • Building a culture of respect
  • Legal definition of sexual assault and rape
  • Stalking, domestic violence, dating violence
  • Emotional and physical effects
  • Consent vs coercion: Yes means yes
  • Connection of alcohol to sexual violence
  • Personality traits of perpetrators and modes of operation
  • Underlying causes of sexual violence
  • Bystander intervention – techniques
  • Date rape drugs
  • Common Assumptions
  • Risk Reduction
  • Healthy relationships and communication
  • How and where to seek help

Takeaways for your service members:

  • Building a culture of respect
  • Goals and legacy in life
  • High-risk drinking
  • Safe quantities and metabolism
  • Effects of alcohol on brain, body, and behavior
  • Effects of alcohol on mental clarity and physical performance
  • Negative consequences of high-risk drinking
  • Sexual violence
  • Date rape drugs
  • Sex under the influence
  • Negative outcomes of unsafe sex
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Safe sex & healthy communication
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Marijuana, other Illegal drugs, prescription drug abuse
  • Responsible choices
  • Social norms


Elaine is one of the few national experts who combines the topics of high-risk drinking, sexual assault and sexual health in one program. She believes that the three often go hand in hand in one night.

High-risk drinking effects productivity, safety, and cohesiveness of a military unit.

Elaine does not subscribe to the ineffective “Don’t do it message.” Instead she creates respect for alcohol as she provides strategies from abstinence to safe consumption. Through her expertise in public health, Elaine clearly establishes alcohol’s effects on the brain, decision-making process, and its life-altering outcomes. She clarifies misconceptions about safe quantities and differences in gender metabolism.

She effectively establishes the relationship of high-risk drinking to sexual assault and diminished communication. Service members leave with a clear understanding of the definition of consent, coercion, and incapacitation. They learn effective strategies to engage in bystander intervention.

The most recent report from the CDC finds that STIs have reached an all-time high in the U.S. Elaine effectively connects high-risk drinking to unprotected sex through captivating, highly memorable interactive exercises that get participants out of their seats and engages them in real-life situations. (No dry PowerPoint! They will be talking about this program for months!) Your service members will leave with the understanding of the potentially life-altering health consequences of unprotected sex, as well as options from abstinence to safe sex and healthy communication. Elaine discusses this difficult topic with refreshing honesty.

This dynamic program creates a safe, healthy, and productive environment. Your service members will leave empowered for optimal performance and to have fun without life-altering consequences or regrets.

If you want to strictly address alcohol, or sexual health alone, she can do that with ease. Elaine is a highly-engaged listener and communicator. She will discuss the topics available to specifically address the needs of your population and together you will find the perfect solution and program for your installation.

Elaine is a highly engaged listener and communicator. Call her and she will gladly discuss the topics available to best address the needs of your installation and customize a program for you.


With 25 years of experience, Elaine offers intensive training for military leaders on a vast array of topics. Her interactive style resonates with most. As one leader stated, “I have been to many Army sponsored trainings and have never felt so engaged and inspired to pay attention.”

Training sessions ranging from 2 to 3 hours are available for military leadership. Elaine will customize a program specifically for your instillation.

Takeaways for military leaders:

  • Effects of high-risk behaviors on performance and unit cohesiveness
  • High-risk drinking
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Health
  • Illegal and prescription drug abuse
  • How to recognize a person is struggling with alcohol or drugs
  • Post traumatic stress from sexual violence
  • Strategies to conduct critical conversations to guide a person to seek help