Increase retention and lower liability by creating a safe environment for your students. Elaine’s high-energy, interactive programs empower students to make positive choices and engage in bystander intervention.
Create brighter futures by keeping your students safe and productive!
Elaine offers a variety of programs customized to meet the needs of your student population. Call today to get the conversation going so she can develop the perfect solution for your campus!
Is your campus known as a party school?
Ready to reduce high-risk drinking, sexual assault, drunken hookups, and lower liability?
Increase retention on campus and help your students achieve success in academics and life!
High-risk behaviors at our colleges and universities are a contributing factor to one of the lowest retention and graduation rates of the industrialized nations.
Elaine is one of the few speakers who comprehensively combines the topics of high-risk drinking, sexual health, and sexual assault. Her philosophy – students often combine the three in one night, why not comprehensively combine them in one program?
This highly interactive, fun, and engaging program creates a safe and healthy campus environment by bringing home the relevant message of partying responsibly, respecting one another, and keeping each other safe. Elaine’s inclusive language and non-judgmental demeanor provides an open and safe environment for everyone.
Students leave this program motivated to make positive choices and to look out for one another.
Sexual violence is a devastating issue on campuses today. One in five women and one in 16 men will become a victim of sexual violence during their college career.
Title IX grants every student the right to an education free from sexual assault or harassment.
Elaine addresses the critical issue of sexual violence with passion, sensitivity, and inclusive language. As a survivor, she provides a compelling story and perspective that others may not.
Students develop a deeper understanding of the life-altering effects of sexual violence and gain essential skills to provide emotional support. Many state that Elaine’s stories affected them the most.
Your students will learn to recognize the modes in which perpetrators operate, allowing them to engage in peer mediation to end hurtful behavior. Elaine cultivates the value of integrity and provides effective strategies for bystander intervention.
As a subject matter expert connecting high-risk drinking to sexual assault, Elaine highlights the effects of alcohol – most critically on the brain, diminishing intuition, communication skills, and reading body language. Students learn practical strategies for low-risk drinking. They develop an awareness of the negative impact of victim-blaming, especially when alcohol is involved.
They participate in engaging interactive exercises that facilitate a lighter conversation which dramatically highlights common assumptions and misperceptions of what consent sounds like.
Students develop healthy communication skills as they acquire increased awareness of mutual respect and emotional intimacy.
They leave empowered to engage in bystander intervention.
Many state that they now understand the importance of keeping their radar up at parties.
An Unheard Voice can be presented to mixed or same-gender audiences.
This program is not meant to just check off the Title IX box. It is a program that stimulates critical thinking, a meaningful dialogue, and meets students where they’re at.
Elaine is one of the most sought after sexual assault speakers. Call so she can help your campus provide a safe environment, preserve your reputation, and decrease liability.
Building resilience is key to helping students develop the ability to overcome stressful and challenging experiences.
Increasingly, today’s students are lonely. More are experiencing anxiety and depression, which is leading them to college counseling centers at increasing rates.
Elaine has experienced untimely losses and numerous challenges in her life, yet she is one of the most optimistic people you will meet.
She developed the tools to pull herself up, recover, and move forward. Through gratitude and positive thinking, she always finds the silver lining, even when times are tough.
Elaine shares her 10 strategies for resilience, from the power of positive thinking, developing deep social ties, (put down those cell phones!) to self-care. She promotes goal setting, problem solving, finding purpose, and volunteering.
Your students will learn about the risks of self-medicating with alcohol and marijuana. Elaine addresses the increasing depression caused by social media and the incivility that’s gripping our nation. Students will learn to recognize the symptoms of mental illness. She breaks down the stigma so people will seek help.
Your students will develop the resilience to thrive as Elaine helps them recognize and build on their inner strength. They come to understand that they can weather bad times, gain wisdom from these experiences, and be stronger for it.
Would you like your students to clean up their social media profiles?
Do you cringe when you read their posts?
Are they sharing more than they should?
Social media has changed the way we interact. Unfortunately, many students are posting ALL their activities in what looks like a race to the bottom.
To weed through large pools of job applicants, employers look at social media profiles first and eliminate the ones who don’t exercise discretion. That photo of a keg stand can come back to haunt someone!
Elaine will open your students’ eyes as they learn that their privacy settings will not prevent people from gaining access to their profiles. Even Snapchat does not permanently go away!
Your students will develop an understanding of the psychological effects of social media and develop sensitivity to reduce bullying, depression, and anxiety of others.
Participants will be engaged and entertained through examples of positive posts and the ones that will ruin your students’ reputations. They learn the importance of their digital footprint which essentially becomes their resume.
Most importantly your students will learn essential skills to create positive profiles, reflecting their career aspirations, interests, brands, and values. Many have stated after the program that they needed to clean up their profile. Administrators have said it as well!
Two programs are offered, one that is customized for student athletes and the other for the general student population. Elaine will include posts that are specific to your campus.
After her mother’s death from AIDS related complications Elaine knew that she wanted to speak out to prevent others from contracting this disease. From a place of passion and wanting to help others, came a sustainable business that has continued to grow over the years. Elaine never intended for this to be her primary source of income, but with one chance meeting it did.
With sharp instincts, a drive for hard work, and a passion to make a difference in the lives of others, Elaine developed a successful business that has continued to evolve and grow over 22 years. She has learned a lot from the ups and downs along the way and loves to share her wisdom and tips for resilience to help students develop of brighter future. This program empowers and motivates young women and men to find their passion, take total control of their lives, fearlessly network, and to build a business or career that provides incredible life-satisfaction.
Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion creates a culture where students feel safe to be their authentic selves.
When they feel comfortable in an educational or social setting, they are more confident, engaged and productive. Race, religion, gender, sexuality, physical stature, age, and educational status can subtly affect the way we interact with one another.
Students learn to unlock their unconscious biases. They develop skills for heighten empathy, which leads to a greater understanding of one another. Effective communication skills are taught to help students appreciate people from diverse backgrounds.
Elaine brings it home as students learn through interactive exercises that there’s more that unites us than divides us. Some remarked that she provided outcomes that they were not prepared for!
This program is guaranteed to create a conversation and raise awareness to provide a safe and inclusive environment where students can freely express themselves and feel proud of who they are.
Elaine provides comprehensive training for numerous student leader groups. Many campuses utilize her expertise for RA and Orientation Leader training. She works with Student Athlete Advisory Councils, Student Government, Student Activities Programming Boards, and students serving in Greek leadership positions. They gain valuable leadership and programming skills, and insight to respond to the latest high-risk trends on their campuses.
Administrative training is available for administrative staff from all departments on campus. Elaine updates participants on the current high-risk trends affecting campuses nationwide. Having worked with more than 700 campuses, Elaine shares effective global strategies for implementation. Administrators learn to identify the behaviors indicating that a student is struggling. She provides strategies for effective communication to guide them towards the help they need.
Elaine also provides Title IX training as well as interactive training on sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and diversity and inclusion. She is known to facilitate critical conversations through interactive exercises where participants are up on their feet and moving around. As one college president said during a diversity and inclusion training, “You made us realize that we need to talk more about this issue!”
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